A Security (15 USC) A USSEC Tracer Flag Proper person: John Doe Not a point of Law non-resident, non-14th amendment citizen) In care of: XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXX CA [XXXXX]
Affidavit of Obligation Commercial Lien (This is a verified plain statement of fact)
I,John Doe, make oath and depose the following facts:
Maxims: All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the
telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothingbut the truth.
Affidavit of Obligation Commercial Lien (This is a verified plain statement of fact)
I,John Doe, make oath and depose the following facts:
Maxims: All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the
telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothingbut the truth.